
Chain of memories car

Remember the 70's, when the whole family to rural areas, the family was poor, but also an old bicycle. When I go to school every day to ride a bike. High school in the village, home to twelve years. A case of rainy days, the mud was deep, the mud around the wheels Wa Gaise very full, the wheels could not move, I carried the car away. Home, as people like Ni Hou. More than that, most cars go an 'suck the chain. As the dilapidated old toothless, often bad, go half way and it broke. No alternative but to go carts, often go sweating. At that time, a chain of seven dollars, but the family was poor, no money, a school, father squatted in the courtyard rattled repair. Is such, I have not wasted their homework, and the results have been top of the list in the class.
About 78 years, his father tied the counter. He got the first wages, give I bought a new chain. I felt extremely happy, never ever go without pushing a bike.
I turn to the next generation, do not have to repair the chain. Every day after school, a phone, "Daddy, I want to go home," I have to drive to pick up, regardless of wind or rain. In any case, the children also experience less than a car on a person's sense chain.

Why fall in love with a wolf sheep

Recently, people in the chat listening to sing a song, tune sounds good, listen to the lyrics do not quite understand. Ask cherry rain comrades, tell me is called "wolf fell in love with the sheep," the lyrics to the effect that the wolf fell in love with the sheep, the sheep fall in love with the wolf and the like. Might sound feels incredible, and then a refined, also has its own reason.

Fifties and sixties, girls looking object, all look to the root of red Miao Zhuang, family background good people, poor families, children of working families is preferred, to the rich kids at home against a bad law is to not get into eyes. To the era of reform and opening up, the girls began to look for a degree, and college students, graduate students are left over. Fortunately, I caught up with the dial, with a university degree, otherwise, a right-wing family identity, and this life is to remain a bachelor's almost broken. To the past few years, college students, graduate piles, the work can not be found, girls are no longer popular, and poor peasant families, working families is not folder eyes look. Girls seeking a partner to find a car, a house, a corporate boss. As long as the money, is love you do not talk, so the sheep will fall in love with the wolf story took place.

Now the sheep are very practical, not avoid their own choice, seeking a partner to the point, several factors have asked, does not consider the moral is good. As long as the wolf money, others will not care, just like the song, put it: "the sheep that do not polite, make me love you, how in danger around you, I will accompany you."

Education topics for children

Chinese people attach great importance to the education of the next generation, which almost every family is the most important thing. In addition to the food necessary for survival, the column is probably the second place on the children's education. Each married couple from the beginning, the child's growth path planning. From prenatal care to Kaoyan abroad, began a long journey over 20 years. Parents give up their own enjoyment, to give up her hobby, give up their careers and devoting themselves to the education of their children to, look forward to their children the same as a child prodigy to succeed, stand out. I am also one of them, also traveling on this road, though tired camel shoulder bow back, the two Bin dye cream, still diligently, Haoshouqiongjing without regret.

Education is a social hot spots, talking about the whole society. I am neither an expert academics, celebrities, nor served on the education sector, on education, some of one's own limitations, even some I tell. But education and my life has broken an unbreakable, I received in school education in ten years, and now my children again and fought with education, experience is always some simple and obvious. So, like a person standing on the foot, looked to the mountains, Yingyingchaochao always see something.

Operating capacity issues

After the child sensible, I spent a lot of pre-school thinking, bought some illustrated pictures and stories tape, led the children a story every day, listening to tapes, to cultivate children's language ability and reading interest. Should be said to be effective, the child gradually became interested in reading, but also has the habit of reading, often holding his book, pretentiously look. In fact, she did not know these words, just back it down. However, at school and beyond, finally cultivated interest in this subject to blow. The bar is homework, homework assignment too, and the child's age, some do not match. A night to write a few lower case, do a few pages of math problems, if the word was wrong to fine writing dozen times. Wrote very late every night, sleep, get up the next morning bed. This allows the child had a fear of learning, dragged to lose interest in learning.

To junior high and high school, work even more numerous. Each section has one or two test paper, five main surgical intensive up to have a dozen or cannelloni, which some repetitive topics. Every day, like robots to produce a job, struggling with teacher assignments, no time left at their disposal have, lose self-learning ability. Like a bird, always stay in the nest waiting for her mother fed, they can not fly out of food, how to fly. However, we look at the foreign school, the teacher assignments, usually only stay a topic and let students find information, find the answers. Operating capacity is not great, but the information in the search process, students study a lot of problems, practical ability and thinking skills have been tempered, the effect is not bad.

Here, I think of individualized issues. Teachers should be based on each student's learning level, the operating arrangement of different grades, the students select the operating power, good grades students can choose a little difficult problems, poor academic performance of students may choose to issue a little easier to have done the problem, or get it in the title do not do it. But it is difficult for teachers, too many students in the class now, five or six 10 students, teachers hardly have the energy to do it.

Behavioral norms

Children to school and met some unexpected things. Schools should have discipline, educate the next generation of discipline is indispensable. But now many disciplines, it is incredible, comparable with caretaker authority, and use a lot of points to manage the project. Depend on the side walk, hands can not help the wall, can not touch the stair railing, shoe covers on the plastic bag into the classroom should, in the classroom can not speak aloud. This last point some incredible, this is not deaf and dumb school, children with speech, physical function, why not address it, it is entirely contrary to the physiological characteristics of the students. Play is a child of nature, laugh on the child's mental development is good. Ring in the house all day the children can not speak, would not become a fool. Wearing eyes, transfixed, is the image of today's students. If a real war, a generation of people to the front, but even where the enemy can not find.

Entrance area of knowledge

Children on the high school, I began to pay attention to current knowledge of college entrance examination, after all, their own entrance from more than 20 years have passed. Do not see already, not a little surprised to see. Used to measure knowledge of the past, when people knowledge, only equivalent to the current junior high school. If 20 years ago, attended the entrance examination is now estimated that very few people can be admitted to the university. Entrance is really fast growth of knowledge, knowledge of each door is a thick one. There is a strange phenomenon, the knowledge of college entrance examination is not a high school textbooks, but to college entrance exam out of the question based on an expert to write reference books were created by deepening and expanding constantly, I call it the shadow of knowledge. This knowledge, students are turning to high school textbooks could not find the broken, do not look at reference books, taking college entrance certainly could not pass line. In order to prevent duplication of entrance examination questions, the questions experts struggled every year, renovation of tricks, and some knowledge has embarked on a pathway to university for the study after no benefit after entrance on the shelf.

In order to clarify the source of this knowledge, I have specialized in physics. Part of the knowledge is common in physics from the University of pluck, and advance to high school to do, and that's hard to understand, since the future to learn the knowledge, what is necessary to advance to secondary school to learn it, since the entrance examination to test, why not openly written in high school textbooks. Such as kinetic energy theorem, conservation of mechanical energy, momentum conservation law in part, simply pull than physics was also fine. There are some people that knowledge is a compilation of questions, such as charged particles in a magnetic field, electric field, gravitational field of the deflection problem, but also consider the Lorentz force, but also consider the electric force, but also consider the gravity, what practical significance of this? There are also charged straight conductor in the magnetic field, all the motion state wants to come out, in theory, may not gain a firm footing.

Methods of teaching children

In the Chinese unconscious, no one thought their child stupid, no one thought that their children can not be admitted to Tsinghua University, Beijing University, but the end result is that the vast majority of children are not able to Tsinghua University, Peking University. Of course, the test into Tsinghua University, Beijing, and not your child on the stupid, nor your child will have no future.

What is wrong? I think that today's children than not the intellect, than the ability to learn, than the management themselves. Which child has the ability to manage their own, which the children would have had on the Tsinghua University, Beijing University of conditions. Many parents (including me) attention to intelligence training, all types of cram schools to send their children to buy a variety of reference books. In order to save time children often take it upon themselves, their children wash their hands, feet, wear clothes, be ready to eat, drink something to send to the hands. But over time, the child's self-care ability is not trained, not their own active learning, bought reference books do not know how to use. Therefore, parents spent a lot of effort, but ultimately the outcome was not good.

Olympic Math

Mathematical Olympiad has been covered with a layer of mystery, parents seem to regard it as a touchstone for smart kids, parents, children learn to participate in Mathematical Olympiad, there was hope, if that is the glory of winning, and Tsinghua University, Beijing may become easily capture. I once sent her children to Mathematical Olympiad classes to learn some time, and therefore have read the Mathematical Olympiad primary and secondary materials. But the study for some time, I'll lead the child back. One reason, the first degree, or their child's smart enough, fear of affecting the normal classes in school learning; then is the teaching materials Mathematical Olympiad feeling somewhat puzzled. For example, primary school Mathematics Olympiad which are permutations, there are inclusion and exclusion principle, there are drawers principles, logical reasoning and other knowledge, these are beyond the high school and college should have learned, it is necessary for students learning the knowledge? Even learned, also, and stereotyped knowledge about that health swallow, it.

Evaluation of the Mathematical Olympiad, and I quote director of the Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the famous mathematician Yang Le of a conversation: "Now the Mathematical Olympiad for the development of very normal, started out from primary school, very young students, have been relatively heavy burden of school plus Mathematical Olympiad, the burden was even heavier, Mathematical Olympiad love by a few students into the participation of all students. " "Mathematical Olympiad, or intensive training in mathematics, mathematics learning is not conducive to it, I do not think, because the focus on intensive training for some time, it is not intended for students to learn the system, serious consideration, but forcible taught to students skills to solve some partial problems. The result is students learning mathematics is not only not improved, on the other courses of study and also weakened. This comprehensive development of students adversely. " "There is also a concern, namely, the Mathematical Olympiad lead students weary. Originally mathematics learning is to inspire students to rise to interest students, has now become a heavy burden, and caused very good results."

Piano, art education

Arts education is also of concern to parents, many children on Saturdays, Sundays arranged a very full, complete a remedial course on the culture of piano lessons, piano lessons on to complete a dance class, to complete a dance class on the art class, children adults and extremely busy.

Qualified families, help their children study the piano for a school was needed. Children learning piano can exercise endurance, knowledge, know music, exercise right-hand man of the division of labor, and so on. However, the way to go professional piano is still very difficult, more later learn, the more expensive tuition fees, coupled with examination irregularities, talent is not easy.

Fine arts, on the comprehensive development of children is also good. In addition to painting outside of pure art, architecture, film, animation and other art professionals have to use the knowledge. But the entrance is not easy, increasing year by year the number of candidates, many good students to cultural studies, fine arts, cultural studies, thus scores rising, more and more intense competition in college entrance examination.

Teacher's sad

Having said that the views on education, seems to be dissatisfaction of teachers. But instead, I am very understanding and sympathetic teacher's. Because my family is mainly responsible for people engaged in this occupation. Every morning, she must get up early to school. Burst of strident tones, awakened me from my dream, Lanjue is Shuibu Cheng, and up to prepare breakfast. Was inferior to me late at night back, I do not have the conditions and excuses not to cook. To avoid cooking, I have no home to stay outside, but not a long way to go. Of course, she is not lazy. Now too many students, a class of 60 people, to control discipline, lesson planning, lessons, a question, graders, correcting homework. Then, monthly exam, in the exam, final exam. Students do not test well, the school of a widening list is the look of the clouds. So the teacher is difficult, principals and school enrollment rate to the honor of pressure on them, they had no choice but to tap potential students, but the excavation, the children of the doomed.

A slogan disappeared

In the sixties and seventies, there was a very popular slogan, "The new three-year, three years old, mend them for another three years", meaning clothes broke, do not throw away, mend them, you can wear to six years above, the central idea is to promote thrift and economy. But now, the slogan has already disappeared. Clothes let alone six years, through two or three years even longer. Evaluation of clothes that people are not playing to see how many patches, but by style, the style of a date, on the shelf. Therefore, in the street, ladies dressed contests, and men were dressed maverick. Media often talk about is how to boost consumption and stimulate the consumer economy can grow, it seems that consumption is not no contribution to society.
I was born poor, young age does not love to wear new clothes to develop the illnesses. Family made a new dress, has been reluctant to upper body, even the point of dust clothes sweeping movements, to boldly put. However, the development of society so that I could not help, wear old clothes to work against his wife and children first of all, afraid of the face off family. Nurturing people Jiabu Zhu and long-term transformation of wear the new clothes, and does not feel thorn in the side, has become accustomed to.
Nevertheless, I have been quite critical of consumerism. Human consumption desires are endless, especially in modern times, with the rise of Western capitalist countries, capitalist way of life of people affected countries around the world. We all go for luxury lifestyle, eat delicacy, fashion wear, stay in a luxury villa, drive expensive cars, all the basic necessities to the rich target, as the standard. This way of life of a person living it is good for seven or eight years, after all, enjoy the comfort. But the cost of consumption is paid for consumption of natural resources, but some still can not renewable resources, I've run out, after several lifetimes of no use statistics. If this does not increase the momentum to curb consumption will eventually result in depletion of the earth's resources, humans eventually die out.
Therefore, we should be alert and not to blindly follow the capitalist countries to run, or talk about thrift. Some wear simple, off the shelf on the What. Tomorrow, I should put on old clothes turned out, he was who said, I also ignored the.


Now, people's lives rich, but unwittingly, the relations between people alienated. Remember the seventies, my home to the countryside. In that village, every family is poor, if someone is not of power, but the neighborhood was without distinction, I take you home with an ax, you borrow a bowl of soy sauce, my family, I send you home a bundle of chives, You sent me home an onion. After dinner, stopping by each other, sitting under the willow shade Laoke, far apart to gossip. In the cities, every family is very wealthy, one does not do a worse standard of living, but there are barriers between each other. After work, can not just go to the gay family stopping by. Surprise visit, people will find offensive, others suspect I was not to borrow money, or arrange for the brother in law work. Home, desperately short of something, is off to the neighbors refused to borrow, and would rather buy a taxi. Strangers to knock on the door, thinking that to sell something, or is a liar. Neighbors live more than a decade, actually do not know each other, in fact, just across the middle of a wall.
It is interesting that people are eager to get online real friends. Talk down several times, very trusted, and even some of devotion, and I do not know why the detour.

After feeling moved

This summer, I bought a new house and moved to a new district. New residential tree-surrounded, stone paving in the middle there is a garden, the environment is very elegant. But some days, but feel uncomfortable. In the original living quarters, the house is not a large environment is not very elegant, the neighbors have to say hello meet, but people who live here but something was different. Multi-access for the rich, men is a suit, ladies jewelry, and exchanges have cars. Meet at the stairs the morning, I tried to strike up a few words, delivered a smile, actually there is no reflection of his face reveals a an arrogant, one-yourself demeanor, I feel dull. No alternative but to open Gesanchawu the bus home, filling a full facade.
However, upstairs there is one little girl, aged seven-year-old, fat, and look very cute. Meet in the elevator each time, are asked what floor I went to for my click of a button. Naturally, I also like the children, should ask about the children meet, good for our communities, how to bring some vitality.

Architectural concerns

At present, our country's rapid economic development, conducting a large-scale construction. Wherever he went, tower cranes everywhere, tall shelves, one Block, new buildings, boom. But behind the prosperity, it is the form of identical construction, the lack of local characteristics, historical building has disappeared, people deeply worried.

Architecture is the living man and living services, heat the cold, the shelter is its main function, visual impact is its secondary function. But now bartering, the building used as the city's image to promote the use of performance leadership. More more luxurious building construction, materials more you use the more upscale. Building facade will be granite, glass curtain, also with granite paved road pavement. The mining of these stones, we must tear down trees mountains to destroy the natural environment. As the saying goes never comes back, is neglected. Cost of over a billion to spend up high-rise building, but space there as decoration. However, we have to look at the famous building in Europe, such as France's Charles de Gaulle airport, with a plain concrete wall is basically do not do decorations. We just get rich as a poor man, always wanted to wear the suits, put a up a front.

In recent years, the opportunity to visit some cities, here especially away, disappointed. Almost a thousand city side of the building are all familiar, all-glass curtain, granite veneer, architectural forms are mostly copied and pirated. Former China coach Bora Milutinovic visited many cities in China, but can not tell him to go to the cities because all cities are like a city. City should have a distinctive regional characteristics, see the Forbidden City and the courtyard, we know that Beijing; see Sun Yat-sen, we know that the Nanjing; see the Bund, Shanghai we know; without these regional representatives of the building, we We do not know to where. Our decision makers are always eager to modernization as the goal to create an international city, but the world first performance in the national character, the building of their own nation if not the aesthetic and cultural, there would be no nationality, no nationality also not the world. Foreigners come to China is to see the Great Wall and Forbidden City, Yin Wei that yes they did something, he will never look at our modern architecture, modern architecture because they are more of our beautiful Bi.

Urban development should respect the natural terrain in the original, based on topography, a reasonable cut, make the best use of the environment to do less damage as possible the harmony of architecture and the environment, such cities have beauty, it really looks like a bomb player movement. But now we have an operation of nature at every turn, cut open and damaged reclamation. Continue to erode the concrete jungle, mountain farmland, the city as crazy as the share of pancakes expansion, such as human heads, like birth scabies. We have and continue to dry the cut mountain recycling Hill, felling trees and then stupid CD.

Building is a historical, some people say that solidified music. When those styles, old and new buildings together different when the show is a city of historical context. But now, watching the real estate business and the encouragement of the One after another historic building demolished, in addition, the city's movement also came to an end. And getting worse and worse, more and more short years removed, the building must be completed 10 years removed on the grounds that impede the city's new image. Building technology is constantly being updated, new materials are constantly emerging, innovative architectural forms are emerging, in order to maintain the city's new image, how can we have removed forever? On the one hand, we have dismantled the old building, but he also copy antique. Often in some tourist attractions in the tree-lined areas, towering some nondescript, like temples, ancient as the new new buildings, such as an unworthy sequel, too unpleasant.

This result, the responsibility lies not only architects, but also because some of the urban development policy-makers attempt to take and self-righteousness.

Confusion among children

I grew up with his parents put under the northeast, in a remote small village life for fifteen years. In the state of bliss, the catch enamel, lucky to college. With a decent job, good and evil like a dog to Offer Personal mode. Sandwiched package blend into the city every day flow of people, as if to a level people itself. The contrast of life, fate changes made me realize that people want to live in dignity, to fight for democracy. Therefore, the child's culture into my life the most important part. Its hard to eat your children eat, gotta make the next generation of more amount to anything.
When I was young the family was poor, could not afford books. No more books, more like reading. To a neighbor stopping by, see the book on not move a step. In this way, in other families watched "Three Kingdoms", read "Water Margin", read "Gods." Sometimes by other people's books, next day also, the point kerosene lamp all night watching, "Strip," "Sunny" is such a reading, and myopia is also the time left. Now his pocket money, the children bought the book early on, no longer have a neighbor saw. Buy books are fairy tales, there are popular science knowledge, knowledge of history, and filled a bookcase. Children will climb just when the side to put a book and let her know as soon as possible. Children have a good showing, 12 year, they began to like reading. Often their own touch a book, sat on the bed Jiao in the mood to see, I sat quietly next to the hearts of barely disguised pleasure. However, the child on the junior high school after the operation is probably more reasons, not interested in getting more extra-curricular books. No matter how you display and how to guide, not much touching her. This allows me into a panic, looking at the shelves waiting to enjoy the fun of reading them the whole book, I do not know how to do.
When I was young family was poor, just bread and water to feed their families. Cake sent by relatives, exudes a seductive fragrance, but can not eat because we keep give as gifts. Celebrate the Moon Festival, the family could not bear to eat moon cake points total to stay a few days. Now his pocket money, too little food affordable, and naturally can not let the children's mouth with loss. Thus, milk beans, fish, fries, large stuffed buns, a brain child to the old carry her home. Children gradually begin to anorexia, do not like to eat. To the hospital for an examination, doctors say that children lack nutrition. Zan refuses to accept, so many good things to eat, leaving a shortfall of nutrition.
When I was young brothers and sisters, parents, according to Gubuguolai. When eating a meal in Hong smell surrounded on all side to the table, not the parents call, because early stomach hungry. Parents do not have to worry about other things, wild wild long depended on themselves. Turn to my daughter, it became difficult to eat, a meal reluctantly, repeatedly requested, has been reluctant to serve. Adults should call the morning, half an hour every day I spent my tongue, the child's eyelids are not necessarily Pool look. Children used to secure enough to sleep, because she knew she was anxious than their parents.
When I was young like instrument, in the village yangko, like with the rear drums, trumpets, beat the gong. The village can erhu, and was standing next to the hearing, palms itch. Later, saving money to buy himself an erhu, creak Ya Ya to pull, did not pull out a tricks. Turn to their children, 说什么也得 round the music dream. This is one step back, tilting the family savings to buy a piano. Since then, the family began to eat turnip cabbage. Well for the next generation, say radish and Chinese cabbage is not bad. Children start rattled, knock, knocking half of my monthly salary. Has been knocked to the junior high school graduation exam, amateur 5, enjoy the moment and the certificate placed in there. Said playing the piano develop intelligence, I see how the child's intellectual growth not seen, encountered problems still can not be calculated.

Emperor love to do carpenter

Mr. Shu-Zhi Fan recently read with the "Chongzhen Biography", which the Tianqi Emperor Zhu a letter from the school caught my interest.
Tianqi Emperor Zhu from the school is the 15th generation of the Ming emperor, the son of the Zhu Luo Chang Mingguang His grandfather was Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun (emperor Wanli). Tianqi Emperor reign of 7 years, died without heirs, the transfer position to his brother Zhu by the prosecution. Zhu Ming Dynasty by the prosecution is that the history of the last emperor Chongzhen Jingshan hanged.
Tianqi Emperor ascended the throne when the 16-year-old, his greatest preference is not Powerbut hearings, but a carpenter living. Carpenter using a variety of tools such as axes, saws, chisels, etc., his ranging, and use the skill. Documented at the time: "the good fishing was, and good opera, well built housing, since the exercise saw chisel cutting ax, craftsman can not and"; "good and paint, where the hand apparatus, all from whom. Of it in haste, there was, towards the spot from the evening into. " Every day, close to the minister he concentrated on building a house in the palace, covered with the future, very happy, enjoy something, and then removed, never tired, and generally the minister is also not in the next spy. Eunuch Wei often buried in the building by Tianqi Emperor enthusiastic when playing in the next pass emergency documents, Tianqi Emperor chatted, listened, played complete, they said impatiently: "You intention of running, I already know." Allowed to lose its power to eventually bring disaster on affairs of state Wei Zhongxian Yandang Group for the demise of the Ming Dynasty foreshadowed.
At first glance this matter, is both ridiculous and improbable. Expensive for the emperor of emperors, but like the common people playing with the craft activities. The historian said he was to stupid to ignorance, but from our point of view today, there are several points worth considering. As an emperor, he is, he has emotions. But he was located in a very young age they continue to man the throne, according to the model to shape his emperor, his natural demeanor, like sage, can not be infected with the habit of civilians, in fact, his humanity is a kind of destruction. Why was the Emperor Shun Zhi Qing Ai Fei as his death, grief over, disillusioned, actually want to become a monk as a monk, do not love country love beauty, this is a rebel. Another thinking is misplaced. He did not love when the emperor, but his family as the imperial power of his agent, insisted he was elected as the emperor, he had no choice. If you let him choose to be a carpenter, he might be a good builder, but to him as emperor, he is not interested. Just pass in a generation after his death, the demise of the Ming Dynasty.
Now the parents, in order to allow their children to prestigious universities, such as bet it, like dumping all the family to develop, but the final success are few. Why can not under the child's hobbies, his choice for the development of the course?


Coerce the money, the people nowadays love vanity. Using the words of old Beijing, called Xianbai.
Walking in the street, often experience the men's style that drivers often. A well-ironed T-shirt, shiny hair, armpit sandwiched a refined total purse (even if no money has propped a mass of waste paper), the eyes look straight forward, it seems that no other people around there. Straight into the car, press soon as speakers, to take an smoke to pull away. If a company had the honor to the audience with a boss, you eye-opener. Taiwan is always about the boss behind a row of shelves, books and hardcover book impressively in the present, highlighting the master profound learning. Document away from the snakes of the celebrity pictures and essential, you ask the owner what is written in calligraphy, he may not answer readily. Them the most conspicuous place in a golf club, unequivocally tell you that the room owner's latest hobby.
Ladies do not like men as natural playing style, but they got together, than clothes, than children than her husband. A women's skirt is 880 yuan to buy, B will buy one the next day, Ms. 1000, Ms. A dollar's skirt to look at. Ms. C poor family, clothing not her love, her than the child. Children admitted to Tsinghua University this year, enough to her glory, and a few years do not have to buy clothes. Ms. D exceed and better than clothes, better than a child than the husband. Her husband recently promoted to the Director, can not go home at night to eat, and often outside shower.
Students to meet, the friendship came to, but ultimately inevitable by the number of family property of a row of seating arrangements. More money in his pocket who could not conceal his heart barely disguised pleasure, foresight broke up. Less money in his pocket and only listen to people who were, but his heart thought to himself, the next gathering, killing not to listen to you at this La soap.
I practice for many years, there was also not refined. Day before leaving, will rub a shoe, comb a comb, looked around, and then cross the door out of the chest shy belly.


I started using a computer 92, soaked for many years, can be considered an amateur expert at this. Encounters new software, like tinkering, but is alone on the types of software are not interested in chatting. The sight of children addicted to online chat, can not but be some education. Chat delays, should be to write a homework Rights; chat software content is superficial, as friends to learn a programming school. The children saw me, they quietly turn off the computer, or for its intended purpose, to avoid the spotlight.
However, the development of events was unexpected. This winter holiday, I make up classes every evening to pick up the child, sitting in the car idle, tired of listening to music, to the unit on the bars. One day, suddenly whim, why not look at chat software, what is magic for these young people so addicted to online chat, and come to their senses? Might be able to write a paper Addicted to it. Then, download a chat software, install up and running. After some research, found a chat room and chat with friends. Is also a lack of experience, a few days off, actually the accumulation of the string of users. This time can be something done, an Internet, Jiji sound continuously, sparking a small head, and made confused, anxious to have more hands, but the time is sent quickly.
Flash on to August, the children's class meeting is over, continue to chat reasons to untenable. Times you want to delete, but not under the hand, and Addicted to papers not see a shadow child. Afraid to delete the software is nowhere in sight, is essentially an impossible task.

Perfect Wedding

Today for a wedding, a daughter of Old Cui married colleagues. Say the truth, wanted the wedding to go before the form is very much the same, no matter what style of no difference between Western and eventually tend to eat and drink, but is Bale. But my surprise, today's wedding was more than I've seen in the Korean was more perfect and exquisite!

At 10 o'clock on the January 16, 2010, in fine weather, Harbin temperature is minus 14 ℃, the hotel's second floor lobby in the Pearl, friends and family have been seated next to the festive banquet and orderly. A handsome young host a joyful beginning the wedding's off, some of the scenes of joy and the conventional patching is no longer referred only to share it with friends, unforgettable scene.

A banquet hall on a small stage near the left side set up a so that all guests can see the film area, at this time is play back the new romantic wedding, an increase greets extremely aesthetic, trees, beach , stay forever, holding hands staring ... ...

Second, the color bar has become an elegant arch of roses rainbow door, through which can lead to new stage, wait for the blessing for the new release salute the handsome boys & girls, standing on both sides as both sides of brilliant smile.

Third, the solemn music sounded, the bride arm slowly sliding door of his father's arm came, my father's face is very complex, as uncomfortable as in anger they have good people in a low voice to remind him. (In fact, the feelings of girls married only their most understand that the charged with this matter now!) Host father and daughter walked in the door flowers, solemnly announced: the awaiting groom took this in her father's arm, which is transition between the two men responsible.

thick wit the groom, the bride, pleasant scenery, they keep smiling on stage alongside the focus position. An angelic girl, walked up to send a precious gift, two new hope for all of us took the gifts under the eyes, and that symbol of love for each other to bring the eternal ring. Applause sounded, affectionately kissing the bride and groom, then they are embracing the waving to you.

the stage has now become the dependents they gathered the whole family. Host requirements are in line with the intention of the guests: two old people have to face the guests and the station, the face of parents-in-law, bowed deeply to the old couple, three times loudly shouted, "Good father, good mother"; daughter facing elderly people , bowed deeply to the old couple, three times loudly shouted "good father, good mother."

banquet half, the host began to guest interaction, he would say four phrases, but only say a sentence and the next few words to all of you to pick, who's voice more loud, the more the blessings of good faith who . Happy --- happy, forever --- mind, Baron ---- long marriage, early ---- Takako. Then completed a few words, saw the couple's face moved, the guests, especially young people here have become more enthusiastic, excited.

the whole family was invited to the stage again, this time to cover the event, hosts about four elderly father to ask, to use two words to answer, on the son-satisfaction? A: satisfied. Ask my mother, to use three words to answer: I'm very satisfied. Then ask the father, to use four words to answer, on the daughter-satisfaction? A: very satisfied. Finally asked her mother, to use five words to answer, A: I am very satisfied. Guests listened, watched, laughed, was that four simple answer to the good old amused, not help the congregation applauded.

There are many memorable scenes ... ... the perfect wedding is over, people leave behind many memorable. See a visitor at the door I run into the Old Cui, shook hands with him, told him: wedding to do quite well. Could see that he was satisfied.

As if the ceremony's still ear response and would like to say that we Chinese are very clever, although etiquette wedding planning company into a number of advanced elements, but did not give up the traditional, but also increase the filling new interactive, content and more cultural tastes, but also pay more attention to the uniqueness. Wedding Before we knew it, not a long time, has undergone a welcome change so much, simply impeccable, people today want to get married really lucky, can follow their own preferred way to have more choice!

Throes of career in

Morning, I was busy office, suddenly the door was pushed open, and Dan came. I looked up at her, she said, waiting to want to go to the toilet by the way over. Thought too much hello, you look at it hard at my computer, because there we so often. But today I am not sure, seems a bit vague where not, so I looked up to see her. Sure enough, Dan's eyes a bit red and swollen, tears are eye socket in spinning almost fell, I pulled her to sit on the sofa and asked what had happened in the end?

Dan and I are peers, work smart and capable she is currently their deputy in the department and agency heads, and her obvious deficiencies in management, or how much the lack of some experience. We are not in the same unit, but in the same floor of the office, usually at work are often linked, with each other to establish a better sense of trust and identity, so also more able to talk to.

Dan, I asked her for a hearing, he could not suppress his grievances, bury her face with both hands, sitting on the couch, constantly twitching shoulders and sobbed. I can not ask her further questions, just try to shore up her hand the body, such as paternity her calm. Dan finally stopped crying, she took my delivery to the tissues, the faint, said: "We get a large complex eye, do not want to see them cry. You which one person office, I am so sad ... ...." She is mentioned as chief thing. Although her superiors to do a year of the test, but eventually decided to appoint one person came from outside as the principal, she can only continue to be deputy. Wrote up her work in this sector for over 10 years, there are many difficulties, but she do all of the to be overcome to complete the good work of each one, all in one day to mention a principal. Now transferred to a charge that they do not understand the business sector, she can not help restore heart, now she just want to transfer out of this department, another the working environment in order to neutralize the heart of the depressed!

After listening, I can only try to advise and take away her: one, wanted to ask her impulses to be transferred, will not regret it? 2, transferred, you have a more suitable work unit to receive it? 3, no mention of heads, can not represent you before the work is not done well out of the leadership is likely to be more global considerations. 4, when frustrated, angry and complain first, do not worry, first think about their own where there is need for improvement and upgrade? 5, you have done a good job, do not restore heart. Deliberate decision to turn around things.

With age, I own more and more numb to the fame and fortune, weak, leaving the business. Life is limited, with this struggle every day unhappy, than stop and do something more meaningful to do: help their own, others, and social matters, such as interest and concern can help others (in the union often have the opportunity); culture that can mold character and self-cultivation of love; make as many friends and so some people of insight. However Rengeyouzhi, if we must get ahead, but also a lonely patient perseverance, confidence and grasp the opportunity, and the other at the cost of sacrificing the determination. In front of Dan's unhappy that the growth of common workplace or life experiences of pain, although painful, but only beyond the past, to maintain confidence in the future be freer, more mature, more play!

Independent and strong

---- Smart friends have been very good, very understanding, but still can not understand me.

At a friend's eyes, I am an independent and strong. They think this is a compliment, can I listen to only the bitter and Wu Nai. Which woman do not want to have to rely on the arm of shelter, so that I could live easily, innocent girl, do not face too much pressure!

However, those doomed and I am not privileged. Not because I'm strong enough, but when we come across upright and righteous character, only by their own to bear the consequences, no one is willing to shelter; another may be the same woman, a man of ideas different from it. If you must be independent and make choices between some protection, I would prefer independence. The reason is simple, and only rely on their own is the safest. Anyone who even the most pro-parents ---- just a shadow, let alone other people! This is rather cold and injury, may also true.

As an independent woman, and slowly let himself become stronger, does not mean it does not attach importance to family and friends, the opposite would be more treasure all the good earth the truth! Dear friends, you can understand it?

Laugh on life

Life is wonderful, life who do not know when they will encounter;

Life is happy, enjoy with friends talked about South Haibei days;

Life is helpless, and the love is always with regret not to be discussed;

Life is very distressed, the cycle of defeat workplace customs powerless;

Feel the power of life, jumped out of the fight, regardless of difficulties and frustrations, there is no escape route could be found!

Only one life, I want to pursue the wonderful heart!

Laugh it off, the greatest difficulty will lose arrogant misbehavior.

Laugh unfair, all our witness!

Irrational, greedy, selfish, fame and fortune were he enlighten it!

Sinister, adding insult to injury, Jixianduneng who tricks dig their own graves!

Laugh of all, laugh about life! Laugh in life!

Cluttered thoughts

Who met an unhappy incident, can not skip, can not be deleted, not fate, not to give up on themselves. Many can not afford to bear alone, and also do not want to see, in addition to frustration, they just try to leave no regrets handled and often a lot of regret after Rengran ... ... like a child does not want a hard one is the case, not a long time to convince myself, again and again feel the torment.

Some say that as long as the mother to see the baby, they will forget all my worries.

Fantasy with a friend can enter the soul and music, without language, it will bring happy and calm! Really amazing! May never be realized, because the gap with reality too far.

Practitioners always have to pay a high price, nothing can beat.

People how simple fact is, the appearance of fierce regret, but are vulnerable to conceal; people is how complex, different calculations will be made to each other vary widely. There can not be too dependent on heart, so when we can grow and mature, not to mention the fate of all other people who can not be replaced; people can not be too independent too Buqiu Ren, if not gregarious.

Life difficult, life tired! Some say to go their own way, people to speak! But that score is what is also ah!

A going gets fat, do and make life difficult for themselves, the sun will still rise tomorrow and life still have to continue. Containing no less than of only their own hearts and cheer to move forward, do not encounter on the restore point unhappy heart, not the work has been confirmed, do not always stare at the side is not perfect.

Nixon said, the face of adversity to defeat the weak created strong.

Harbin spring of this year, how come so late, not warm outside, the room is also cold (heating stopped), in previous years, already in full bloom today peach branches, Xiangpiao street was.

You love me?

As the nature of the work units, many workers outside the installation a few months can not join their families, so they wanted to create a skit to reflect the ups and downs of their lives.

What a coincidence, a chance to chat with colleagues, found that the problems in his life very representative to handle the way is full of humor and wisdom. Now sorted out their shared hopes can end onto the flats of their variety show.

Travel abroad for some time her husband, in order to get home early, all the way back and forth, the lunch did not eat, returned home found that the cold starting cold at home, his wife was lying in bed. Husband did not complain, went into the kitchen quietly make a meal, the elderly, the children finished eating dinner with the family, the husband only then his wife called the house.

Husband: If one day we divorce, is not my fault, not your treasure!

Wife: You should not complain, should thank me down.

Husband: Why?

Wife: My aim to is to play cause you look cute.

Husband: You do not travel, how even a meal at home, do not do?

Wife: I can not do on you to do.

Husband: Why?

Wife: Because you love me.

Husband: That you love me?

Forced to give up a creative

The spring of this year without excessive Harbin, the temperature had risen to 20 degrees above straight line. Amy, the young woman some colleagues started their own decent dress, work began to warm when talking about intermittent fashion clothing. Warm summer season with beautiful, makes all themselves. I have a creative mind is also quietly kept l: if we can staff that inner desire for beauty, through art displayed according to the form, then the company can show women Fung Choi, employees can balance work in the usual dull, while can also guide them to create harmony, health, beauty of the atmosphere and improve the taste of all the United States, but on reflection there will be a lot of benefits, nothing at all, said a pound more than excitement.

Unexpectedly, the same person in the camera, the computer and photo on the photo effect is a big difference, after filming, selecting, cutting, with the text, but also be experiencing a little over five hurdles, and finally out results not venture to say how perfect, can still feel some obvious artistic effect desired. But my excitement and joy, not to stay long, suffered an unexpected blow.

One was shot to change the mind, the way that their own expectations as well, even more afraid of Jinhou column was included in the company's promotional product reviews foot, the other person would have felt that I was making good time also affected, leading even also because some people secretly lobbying, began to support the views of opponents. Fortunately, in the display of these works, I was very careful to seek the views of film makers did not make any order can not pack their own things. But of course, left a lot of regret. First of all, a creative display of the United States was forced to give up, he felt disappointed; Second, conservative environment, do not accept new things, I believe must be brought out-dated; finally, sad and helpless, some great and powerful people will always be able to surrounding people who influence the success, even if it is more healthy and beautiful things they deserve our praise!

Red beans

Not Haohao De feelings
Snow climate bloom
Us tremble
Will better understand what is gentle
Not hold hands with you
Traversed the barren sand dunes
May henceforth
Learn to be everlasting and to long

Sometimes Sometimes
I believe everything has an end
Together all the time to leave
Nothing last forever

But I sometimes
Would prefer not bear to let go
Wait until the picture is seen through
You may
With me watching the scenery

Not for you to red beans
Decocted lingering wounds
Then share

Better understand the sorrow of Acacia
Not Haohao De feelings
Awake gentle kiss
I may be around
You only pursue the freedom of solitude

Sometimes Sometimes
I believe everything has an end
Together all the time to leave
Nothing last forever
But I sometimes

Would prefer not bear to let go
Wait until the picture is seen through
You may
With me watching the scenery

Cool summer, the sea heart

Depression and escape for two weeks, every day surrounded by hot blast everyone around, God or no signs of a little rain, nest resting at home is the biggest pleasure. Somewhat adapted to the days of high temperatures, strong summer to find a good way: eating fruit, drinking cold drinks, daily showers, and friends gathering.

In the blazing heat, if the event of bad things straighten out, really is irritable and depressed, like driving a car, you follow the rules of the road, does not mean you will not crash - because people sometimes intentionally or unintentionally hit you. At this point more they want to solve, the more it backfires. Often lamented how people live so tired, how so many pressures and challenges! May in any case, or should be left to their own little time to organize a good mood. While living in peace, he burst into the workplace like a battlefield does not sell cigarettes, integrity and honesty will not necessarily be sell, rules of the game: whether you like it or not, had to play down; endless, or it will be a lie and overwhelmed by exclusion fence. Fortunately, there is no fall in the young, now no reason why even get on the ground with a! Whenever difficulties, they will think how to do is right? Always feel that life is a real wisdom, this wisdom of the infinite power of birth, but each time it needs to take some time to find. True wisdom is not fake happiness, not the guilty conscience of the tough, not drive a wedge between the rope, but not the appearance of the powerful, but magnanimous heart, vision, strong-minded and unfair treatment of the courage to stand up to face.

In the crowd, failing to fire blindly on the patient and see all unworthy, or should Zhang Chi, targeted better. So this time I chose the Tolerance to enhance hard, but not ideal, appears to need to practice theory-snappers.

It is not necessary to meet other people, deliberately to disguise themselves and live so tired, people love to own and love their own people and the ideals alive, as long as the thought of love, hearts will be extremely free from anxiety, fear! Love is cool Xia Xinhai in across the coolness! Like to thank my friend has been concern and support!

Black July

Face test, although knew that this time should not be to ignore the other things Hou, may still feel aggrieved and bringing more trouble in the unit because of some trouble. I thought things had been in the past, can not seem to be as simple as, even worse!

The nature of a financial staff relied on the advantage, and with the leadership and colleagues of "good" relationship, work, a very big loophole in the post, can if nothing had happened, swaggering, stirred up trouble, the Chinese habit of Tolerance and friends to persuade me do not want to court disaster, but encountered endless insatiable repeated provocations, and some "middleman" in the inside and outside "work" last straw, he hopes that after the manager to act impartially and properly addressed. Treatment did not think the manager is more outrageous, regular meeting, casual criticism of the financial sector should pay more attention in future work, more study of knowledge, to prevent the error occurred, keeping in mind that a good relationship with other departments.

Manager, financial officers told these words mean to be careful after the fraud, a good relationship with other people who can not grasp the handle; another loophole no longer be held down, and at the same time pushed to the target of public criticism of my position.

Alone is not terrible, born and died all alone, is difficult to face all kinds of people and things people alive, should have a good mood, good state of mind ability. Understand, can not people see the ugly, but do not want to collude, do not want those in power, to do "Road see injustice, indifference," the people, but also back duty and conscience, especially in difficult times the company's employee benefits. I am not thinking of how tall, but it does so has to face is classified to the Outside. Road is long fortune, happiness of the up and down the quest!

Knowledge is not the end of this thing

Once the leadership of this teaching: as a lead to more problems from the perspective of others, to comprehensive measure; encounter injustice, took it as a kind of snappers; sometimes criticize you, not your right, but for the better ... ... you should be flexible point.

Was reckless to the leadership said: AMS no problem, but everyone should love their own reputation, snappers is not responsible for notorious reasons, as a unit, to correct deficiencies in management is fundamental!

Older, some like to tell tales, Yinfeng Yang violated, the more shameless people and things have immunity, see the more light, is nonetheless concerned that one day the people themselves do not become apathetic. Also hope to get out more knowledge about this world of shapes and sizes, doing so requires improved. Buddha, a great margin of my colleagues told me to: the bullying, slander your people, to respect him and let him, well him and see him again for three years. In this case although a bit passive and negative, but it is an open-minded, relaxed attitude toward the wisdom of life!


It seems to me nothing more than modern two tendencies: to recover physical, spiritual love. The former carrying a cold, which reveals a naive.

People to the world were born, although not to the history and experience everything, but if the ups and downs are fortunate enough to try a bit salty, more complete understanding of the life, character will become more perfect. It can be considered wonderful life!

The most tragic life be? Disease, poverty, death, unemployment ... ... 30 years ago, their education in today's dollars? Sense of security can only rely on their own to fight for working hard. "Fall down, stand up and then cry." Is a true portrayal of many people.

If the food and clothing are not attend, but also talk about social responsibility! On what basis is a positive education taught to cover up dirty things!

Good attitude means that great wisdom, especially important in today's society, or really lost!

Under construction next to the senior rushed, row upon row, early autumn evening breeze blowing head, under the impact of the various experiences, perception of life SUBWAY


Forget lost Mo

Unconsciously, into the autumn no to every corner of the floor not only shake off the leaves, there are endless to Acacia.
Give up the glory of wealth, so that smoke and dust to open a path, I own the West to a Su Yi.
Turn a mountain, wading through a river, ushered in a plain ......
The sun rose in the sky has been live with, never dry, and this is like the wind after the front with an old relative, generous as ever, age has been dark, with me walking in the fertile soil in the endless, day after day, to start a vast imagination, into the deep loneliness .....
Thinking of your bright eyes, clear message on a smile, thinking about past love at first sight under the warm sun and play horse that ever was young, my heart would Roubo waves, as if he was a slip from the hook on fish, and finally rotating into the streams, we should desire close to perfect, then and there in front of mountains and water intoxication after a heavy drinking.
Up the bumpy road so beautiful, it left a shadow of flowers, the right side landing songs, when I passed one after another down the same warmth as you.
My dear, if you slightly afar at the moment, we can see a way, is from my feet, and from my memories and imagination start, leading you towards a heart of the city, leading to warm and happy, quiet, long , covered with flowers and aromatic.
So, do not worry, do not have to worry, I will bring along picking flowers, but also rack their brains as you write poetry, she keeps you around, Bo you laugh Allure ________ While walking, I received Prostitutes were not only covered, but also contaminated the cold.
Perhaps too urgent, and Xu Yuanfei heart is too persistent, believe it, I strayed into dense bushes and puddles, into a loss flawless empty and desperate.
This time, I addition to the abyss, there is swamp, and you ________ you in my heart came and went, the United States was bright, so I often could not stop crying.
Do not worry, I just need some time, repeated accumulation of courage and enthusiasm. And you only need quiet so I like a quiet flower.
In the endless time in endless Moved drink, see through things in life, Zheng Butuo fate, always so hard to run around the world, struggling. Vows become unable to stop the wishful thinking, keep one's word, whose practice is about? Let herself go, forget who is the situation? No one can say clearly, way too clear. Encounter and separation, as a fateful thread, Jin Jinzuan in God's hands.
Because of you I did not care that these entangled, just staged portrait of my love, perhaps, in your life, I have life and life is an outsider.
Late September, is still enthusiastic.
Along the way, I eat the ancient salt, it's sentimental into tears, for you, and throw all the way crystal.
Only, you do not because I am too sensitive, the impression that I was full of sad, sad looking, in fact, because of your smile has hung in my face, the sun had been hidden in my heart.
You know, people who grew up drinking water from the Yangtze, their advantage is addicted to life without death, when I left home when all the survival skills to have brought out.
1 seed in the soil is bitter struggle, which break through the obstruction of happiness is infinite, a native of cloud defeated, dust fairly good heart, from me and my God together, you see me and I have a lamp, a cup wine, have a location ... ...
Therefore, I along the way, is not painful, after some despite dangers and difficulties, I still out of the terrifying abyss, once again stand in the sun, moving in your direction, step forward.
Confidence is gold, is also a strength.
See, on a branch in front of a group of unknown birds, such as blood in the setting sun, the stop was impatient with Guo, uneasy.
I grabbed a butterfly, critical of its symbolism, has repeatedly called for a blackbird communication, it should not scream so sad, I am not a hermit's Scholars, more than abjection of the scholar, but a search for someone special Taoxintaofei man.
Live for love, pure living, is a life of courage to face the bleak, is not shameful.
Since life is short, and then the great people such as fleeting, moments will old, disappeared in the end only to end up a pile of steamed soil, with a look back to the posture is not left.
Well, I do not want to do as Fa Hai, only envy the happiness of others, but the cheek to block the will of God pulled their weakness and jealousy. I will not go when a poem not only ability to protect themselves incompetent woman emperor. I'm just me, I am unique, raw, we must strive day and night together with her lover, otherwise, never alone live.
Because I am a man Emotion!
Torn countless pairs of shoes, thousands of miles I finally behind them, where you reside, appears finally to ________ in my eyes it is extraordinary no different with other places, there are downtown, there are alley have small bridge, flowing water also, there are pots and pans in the clink.
I do not look at scenery, through the streets, walked green fence, hurry accompanied by racing heart to stay at your door.
Qing Ji, under the eaves, small wind no bother, Tsui Lau, clear smoke, flowing east, but have not seen you Lingboweibu shadow.
I repeated calls, no one answered.
Neighbors have just condemned racism and injustice, and finally muttered that you have passed away six months.
How is it possible? This is how can that be?
My ears certainly a problem, these people will definitely wrong, you are so young, so healthy, how could death?
Such disorder kidding? ! I am angry, like a lion out of control.
Neighbors helpless patted me on the shoulder: This is a fact, Forbidding Mourning bar, then went to look sad.
If a withered vines, I Education tight fist shaking in the wind Lise Se.
How could this be? My dear, how can you have gone and how the heart to let me wandering alone in this world?
If a piece of rotten wood, I am desperate to see the place where you lived, books silent, tweedle wear, Sachet still ......
When the night overshadowed head, breathing began to rust, I have not a solo in the world will persist.
The back of the cold sun, which has been replaced with the faces are painted with oil paints, very cold, and I, did not you become a difficult person to be muggy.
Gently, I go really tall pyramid belongs only to you, you ________ me crying out loud but clean and dignified mummy girl.
Tonight, cool and bright moonlight, let us hand in hand, Mo lost not forget.
Since then, I'm your mummy around another respect, the Flower and other chest, smiling forever.

Moonlight Waterfront

Night, and I walk alone to Guihu.
Roadside already Osmanthus fragrance, faint not in the wind, Hong Li flow with delicate sweet, passers-by frequently recalled.
Night water, quietly spread, flow, cloud edge in several films, and the leaked light under the frost, quietly revealed a moon, shy. The gap in the clouds on the screen, one of the stars of green, Xi Zizi to look to the world, like to be married the bride's honey Gui, get involved in numerous festive flavor, also wearing a new, looked around.
Everything was ready, the bride still looming, not a moment too soon.
Guihu side went and saw a lake of sweet lotus Yangshou sky, alone in Kingston, do not worry also fear, as the cage of the veil of a dream, waiting for the moon.
I walk lightly, or far or near that tree, that arched stone bridge, that tower, that the Dutch silent, eyes on the circulation, transformation, diffuse from the poetic to Conglong keyed, so I heart to have several more happy.
Gradually, the outline of the moon began to clear up the clouds in the thin Qingyilianbu, with lots of disturbed feelings, and delighted and shame with a cover in the circle of pale yellow glow, the reluctant easily seen by others.
Wang Ming month to do tonight, I do not know Autumn Thoughts cast its shadow?
Both the monthly reunion or curved hook actually Yan's brow, always light and shadow in the water, where a gray thoughts scattered all over, and Moon, is even more of the landed heart, is "unhappy."
At a time, I do not fall for the search Mochizuki, or want to see on twist Xinchou. In front of each screen, all with a quiet beauty, such as toggle the strings, in my mind rise to the most subtle emotions, why let people write poetry that misery?
But the worth of call arrival, a full moon shining back at last from the clouds played, a smiling face increasingly bright, its light footprint, times to survive, human resentment, Which one without her eye?
Farm in a small courtyard few big tall plane trees, the shadow on a mottled, two children were run game play, a dog jumping behind them ran, taking advantage of small owner Accidentally, on mouth pulled out his little shorts, causing quite a strange sound hip-hop subversion. Moonlight walk gently, lovingly extended slender Yu Zhi infinite caress their smooth forehead, the eyes of love as they are still the side of busy parents, then Airan smiled and went back to her clouds have gone.
In a window of a building, can still be seen a little wooden table piled with bread, instant noodles, the sofa next to a messy clothes. The house lights did not open, a man sitting in the window, drinking tea, smoking. Tea, the South, tea, tobacco, is a southern smoke. Dark before he began sitting here thinking about the past, thinking about the dream of his wife and children, keep the tea, not stop smoking.
Silent moonlight coming from the window oblique diarrhea, and threw in his shoulders, fell on his micro-shaking fingers, spit out the smoke to look more ethereal uncertain. The past few days, he often sat here attentively fixed, deep eyes met with the moon are some distressed: his loss of lean.
He could not return home the festival, he locked himself in the home, the moon is locked up in the window, a man cry cry, to laugh to laugh, do things almost to tears. He cried, is the true cry; he laughs, is really want to laugh.
In his mind? Beautiful moonlight, you can take me back to dreams of the South to see the rain tear the peach?
Yes, like in the end, both are the hardy south.
Gently flew to the moon has a certain quiet lanes, new small building springing up on both sides, neatly arranged on both sides, quiet street, under a pair of young men and women tie the finger, slowly forward.
You in the end how much they like me? Is not the afterlife are the same?
Is this life like the afterlife.
Are you sure?
, The wife, at home, what to eat?
Background to the moon looked at them, chuckle, because it heard the young man to himself: how life on them long enough for this life, and you also endless talk about the afterlife, until dusk, until I am hungry reel strain liquids, Is love really into bread?
Swept plains, climb hills, the moonlight gently illusory dream, falling trees, they also tired by the grass, listening to insects, look increasingly soft and white. Shortly after, it tide over a lake, go to the other brightly-lit city, nestled in the street behind, gently Yingying Zhang looked at this complex is not clear where the four seasons.
Back thousands of thoughts, I looked again, all the clouds have been lost, the full moon walk is a natural heaven Sweeney, intentionally or unintentionally spread the lotus root all over the gray mood, even if you had no worries, not from the sadness.
Hua Tian moonlight with drunk so I do not think the Iraqi fortified, thought of home.
Had not forgotten anything, miss also like the night sky on the stars, watch for a blue sky landscape _______ watts, the north wind lush, Poplar noise, I was still young, the roadside flowers was once smiling face. Gazing only one, I like to see the mountain behind the house, there Tanabe rows of lanterns like those persimmon persimmon _______ just one floor, his childhood seems so far away, regardless of deep feelings from the heart pull pull the soil issue lung sounds, way back are hidden ......
I instantly recalled the moonlight, which momentarily lost.
Distance of Iraq, did not give me any information after getting through the pretense, I lost my own gentle.
Knife hanging vacillating mind, swept away by the vortex of life groans bones, how much you cry, and Kuchu a sound?
You do not answer, a thousand miles away, his back to the moon, bow again and again.
I, entangled in the moonlight, you know how much pain I have ......
What you are still so quiet? Why is your heart bleeding? I find your way to shed their tears, you always do not give me any comfort, in fact, I know you feel bad with, but why do not you tell me about it?
Still keep looking at the moon in the sky world million last name, gentle eyes, smile Qing Qian.
Guihu away, the moon and I parting, at which time, the charge of a lake is already sinking into sleep in the moonlight, dreams term travel ......